Legally compliant and

Whistleblowing system from otris convinces PRIMEPULSE

As a technology-oriented investment holding company, PRIMEPULSE is very familiar with forward-looking tech trends. Developing investments through state-of-the-art solutions is part of the corporate strategy – and naturally also applies to the company itself. It is logical that PRIMEPULSE relies on a digital solution for its whistleblowing system. The Munich digitalisation experts were convinced by the whistleblowing system from otris software.

Legal requirements
The legal requirements of the EU Whistleblower Directive, the HinSchG and the LkSG were the main reason for PRIMEPULSE to look for a suitable solution. It quickly became clear that the package of requirements could be optimally implemented with a digital solution. “We do not expect to receive a large number of notices. Therefore, we were looking for a lean system that could be implemented without much effort,” recalls Sebastian von Wrede, Project Lead for the whistleblowing system. “At the same time, it was important for us to be on the safe side when it came to data protection.”

Usability, security and manageable effort
After market research and several product evaluations of different manufacturers, the digital whistleblowing system from otris software was convincing. On the one hand, with its well thought-out usability, low implementation effort and high IT security standards. On the other hand, it also offers simple scaling options in case more reports are received than expected.

„From procurement to go-live, everything went smoothly.“

Sebastian von Wrede
Project-Lead at PRIMEPULSE

otris as a reliable partner
In addition to the technical features, PRIMEPULSE was able to draw on experience from successfully completed projects. “otris was already a reliable digitisation partner for us in the past and did not disappoint us on the subject of the whistleblower system either,” says Sebastian von Wrede. The implementation of the software by otris consulting went smoothly. The system was ready for use within a very short time.

Future-proof set-up
Even though the HinSchG has not yet (as of March 2023) been approved by the Bundesrat, PRIMEPULSE is already well equipped for the future with the otris solution. The system offers whistleblowers an anonymous reporting channel – a requirement that was only recently included in the current draft law. “All in all, we are very satisfied with otris. From procurement to go-live, everything went smoothly,” Sebastian von Wrede sums up the project.

PRIMEPULSE is a dynamically growing investment holding company based in Munich. The focus is on investments in technology-oriented companies in promising business areas. PRIMEPULSE pursues a long-term, value-oriented investment approach and sees itself as a strategic partner to its group companies, actively supporting them in their growth ambitions. Behind PRIMEPULSE are the founders of CANCOM SE, now listed on the MDAX, with over 25 years of digital expertise.

Photo credits:
The photos used (banner, quote) were kindly provided by PRiMEPULSE.