Specialised solution | compliance SUITE Create guidelines,
distribute and
follow up.
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Enterprise-wide policy management with the complete digital solution from otris

The implementation of a policy management presents companies with three challenges: editorial creation/maintenance of policies, their distribution to employees and monitoring/documentation of the delivery status. otris policy management simplifies the entire process through editorial tools, document governance and process automation.

A basic prerequisite for employees to act in compliance with policies throughout the company is that they are aware of relevant laws, rules and regulations. The larger the company and the number of employees, the more complex and time-consuming the process of creating policies, distributing them in a targeted manner and documenting the procedures becomes. Our policy management software helps you control the overall process and maintain an overview.

The otris policy management is a central platform on which you store all corporate governance and compliance documentation and subdivide it thematically in a policy library. You control the delivery of the guidelines to predefined employee groups via scopes of application. The system automates delivery, logging, tracking, reminders and reporting. When updating or creating a new policy, the solution supports you with editing and approval workflows.

From policy development to evaluation

Our policy management software at a glance

Our policy management solution for the entire process: from the creation to the publication and distribution of the policy to monitoring. The otris policy management supports through workflows and automation.

otris Richtlinienmanagement - Redaktionsworkflow

Editorial workflow | Create policies
Before a policy is published or updated, it goes through an approval process. The software controls the creation and approval process via document steering, editing and versioning functions.

otris Richtlinienmanagement - Richtlinienbibliothek

Directive library | Targeted distribution
The library structures your guideline documentation and is at the same time the basis for targeted distribution: you define staff groups and assign content to these groups. The system informs employees as soon as content has been published or updated.

otris Richtlinienmanagement - Dokumentenlenkung

Document guidance | Automated delivery
Document routing functions bring the policy to the staff member. In combination with the policy library, document routing ensures that employees only receive policies that are relevant to them. The system automatically documents the assignment of a policy as well as the confirmation of receipt by the employee.

otris Risikomanagement - Unternehmensprozesse abbilden

Individual workflows
Additional workflows defined by you can be integrated into the system and configured without restriction in order to precisely adapt the operational work with the software to existing company processes.

otris compliance SUITE - Reporting

Reports | Automated creation
The system automatically creates reports from the pre-defined data. For example, you receive continuous statistics on the read confirmation level or policy age.

Features that distinguish our policy management

Usability. Simple and intuitive.

All otris solutions have one thing in common: they are easy to use. Ease of use is a prerequisite for minimising the learning effort and increasing user acceptance. Optimal user acceptance is particularly important for data room users (policy recipients) in policy management.

Scope of functions. Customisable standard software.

To ensure that the policy management system is neither undersized nor oversized, companies choose from three software editions with different functional scopes. In addition, there is a choice of extensions that cover more extensive requirements. otris-Consulting realises additional requirements through customisation projects. The open architecture of the software makes it easy to implement adaptations – from simple data field additions to complex third-party system interfaces.

Scalability. Uncomplicatedly expandable.

In addition to the range of functions, you can adapt the software to your needs via the number of user accounts. This is uncomplicated and quick: if you start in a subsidiary, for example, and then want to roll out the policy management across the group, you can add the required user accounts. If user accounts are no longer needed, you can cancel them in SaaS operation at any time.

Operating form. On-Premises or cloud.

The policy management software can be operated both on-premises and in the cloud. On-premises means that the software runs on your company’s servers. With the cloud variant, on the other hand, you use servers of a secure data centre (location: Germany). You decide which form of operation suits your requirements better.

„With otris, we have a reliable and trustworthy partner at our side to help us implement compliance requirements.“

Christian Sparl
Head of Legal, ALPLA Gruppe

How does our policy management work in practice?

Whether a policy is accepted and “lived” does not depend exclusively on its content quality. It is equally important that the content is communicated correctly. How otris policy management supports:

Create a guideline

Templates | For the acceptance of a guideline, not only the content is decisive, but also how the content is presented to the reader. The otris policy management integrates a template system that ensures a uniform layout in your corporate design.

Editing | With otris guideline management you edit documents together as a team. Versioning logs the development of the document’s content. With the help of the comment functions, those involved agree on the content of the policy. By compiling rights (read, write, release), you define roles that you assign to participating employees.

Release | Before a policy is communicated, it usually has to be released. The software controls the release process and the routing of the document to the responsible parties according to predefined criteria.

Publish guideline

Library | You assign the newly created (or an already existing) policy to specifically selected areas of application in the policy library. The structure of the subject and scope areas follows your compliance strategy. For example, you create a subject area “Corruption” in the policy library and assign the scope “Sales” to the respective documentation. You can subdivide and link scopes as finely as you like by combining function (accounting, sales, purchasing) with regions (Germany, France, Europe). Each employee who is part of the respective scope accesses his or her personal policy library via the web browser.

Delivery | When new content is added to the library, the system notifies the staff member with a read request. The feedback that the content has been received is documented for each individual user. If a staff member does not comply with a read request, he or she is automatically reminded after a predefined time. Read requests are also sent after a content revision/update according to the same principle. In addition, the system provides the revision with a version number.


Reports | Who created which version of a document, who released it and when, and who received and took note of this document? What is the read-confirmation level of a newly published policy? This data is not only important to keep track of the current status, but also to document your policy management in an audit-proof manner. Extensive reporting and statistics functions facilitate the presentation and visualisation of the policy work performed. With just a few clicks, you can compile figures and diagrams that you can use for reporting.

Completeness check | Even in smaller companies, compliance officers often lose track of whether the policy inventory is complete and up-to-date. The otris policy management system helps you by automatically checking for missing or outdated documents. In addition to the automated check, the system simplifies manual control. With the system you can easily create a visibility report for all stored documents. The report lists for each individual document which person is allowed to read it – structured and clear.

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