Specialty articles and company news

Otris Reference report

otris contract in use at LucaNet Contract management with otris software: the whole package is right LucaNet is a provider of intelligent financial software. Fast, reliable and simple.

Hinweisgeber-Richtlinie mit otris-Technologie - Box Referenz

The EU Whistleblower Directive is currently being transposed into national law and is expected to become binding by the end of the year. Many companies decide to implement the requirements "on their own". Others are transferring the task to their (…)

Otris Reference report

In order to meet the verification requirements of the GDPR, the implementation of a data protection management system is indispensable in a large diversified company like Hubert Burda Media.

Specialty Article
27. April 2021

Billions in turnover and several million members - the statutory health insurance funds are among the largest organisations in Germany. A significant part of their business processes is based, directly or indirectly, on contracts. Health insurance companies therefore operate contract (…)

They still exist: the oral agreement or the agreement by handshake. In rare cases, this kind of "sealing" is enough for business partners. In most cases, however, written agreements govern the business world. With each business year, the stock of (…)

An unsuccessful search for a contract, missing a deadline or the discovery that employees have viewed contracts without authorisation - there are many triggers for the acquisition of contract management software. Before the purchase, however, the question is: What do (…)

Otris Reference report

With the introduction of otris software for the management of contracts and corporate documents, Vibracoustic has managed a group-wide IT project. The company benefits from increased transparency and streamlined processes.

Reference report
26. April 2021
Otris Reference report

More than 100 years ago, Deichmann was a small shoemaker's shop in Essen-Borbeck. Today, the company is a prospering global corporation that is active in 30 countries. Digitalisation helps companies with administration. A successful digitalisation project at Deichmann SE: the (…)