Specialty articles and company news

Reference report
26. April 2021
Otris Reference report

BORA is a pioneer and trailblazer of the system with which cooking vapours are extracted downwards instead of upwards. A significant constant and at the same time important basis for the company's success has been the advancement of technical innovations. (…)

Reference report
26. April 2021
Otris Reference report

Companies that prepare their accounts in accordance with IFRS must currently implement far-reaching changes in their finance and accounting systems: The new IFRS 16 standard changes the requirements for the valuation of leases.

Reference report
15. April 2021
Otris Reference report

Data protection in an international group is a challenge. Subsidiaries that operate globally are subject to different data protection laws. Since the beginning of 2018, Evonik has been using the central otris privacy system to organise data protection management within (…)

Reference report
13. January 2021
Otris Reference report

ecoprotec uses otris privacy to support data protection customers. The result: a central platform for communication, documentation and operational data protection work simplifies day-to-day business and administration.